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Msc. Camila F. Moser
Chapter 1
Published article (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências)

Our objective was to describe and compare the diet of anurans endemic to the Atlantic Forest, as well as to evaluate the influence of biotic factors on the trophic ecology of the species. We carried out the study in Mananciais da Serra (Piraquara-PR), a transition region between mixed and dense ombrophilous forest, between January 2019 and February 2020. In this work, we describe the diet of eight species: Aplastodiscus albosignatus , Boana semiguttata , Bokermannohyla circumdata , Ischnocnema henselii , Leptodactylus notoaktites , Proceratophrys boiei , Rhinella abei and Scythrophrys sawayae . Coleoptera were important prey in the diet of most species, with the exception of B. circumdata and L. notoaktites . All species demonstrated potential for selection by some prey category. We observed a correlation between the size of individuals and the volume of prey consumed in the species I. henselii . In general, niche overlap between species was low, and most species presented a broad trophic niche.
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